The Annual Meeting of the Consortium for the Studies of the Eurasian Languages

The Annual Meeting of the Consortium for the Studies of the Eurasian Languages will be held on March 30, 2017 at the Center.
This meeting is open to anyone, but please contact us beforehand as seating is limited.

11:10-11:15 Opening: Setsu Fujishiro
11:15-13:30 Session 1 Chair: Tomoyuki Kubo
1. Emiko HAYATSU  “Classification of Japanese Verbs: transitive/intransitive vs. volitional/non-volitional”
2. Esra KIRA “Issues on Turkish participle”
3. Fuyuki EBATA “A preliminary study on Tyvan reflexive”
4. Hideo SAWADA “A preliminary report on Gyannoq, a Northern-Burmish patois in Kachin State”
5. Hiromi KAJI ”Irregularity in Ewen Morphology”
6. Hiromi YOSHIDA “A progress report on the accent system of nouns in Azpeitia Basque”
7. Hiroyuki UMETANI “A note on some criteria for identifying clitics/non-independent words”
8. Kazuki AOYAMA “The plural suffix in Azerbaijani”
9. Kentaro SUGANUMA “A preliminary study on the Modern Uyghur umlaut”
(13:30-13:45 a break)
13:45-15:45 Session 2 Chair: Yuu Kuribayashi
10. Kumiko SATO “A note on Compounding Marker -(s)i and Noun Modification in Turkish”
11. Masahiro OKU “Loan words in North Caucasus Turkmen from social linguistics perspective: A primary report”
12. Masayoshi KAKUDO “Subordinate subject marker of Shrongol Mongolic and Dagur”
13. Mutsumi SUGAHARA “Vowel length and metrical system in the Turkic poetry”
14. Naoki UETA “Overlap between the long and short vowel duration in Khalkha Mongolian”
15. Nazgul SHAMSHIEVA “An Analysis of the Meaning and Usage of the Verb bol- in Kyrgyz”
16. Norikazu KOGURA “Temporality and modality of the auxiliary o- in Sibe”
17. Noriko OHSAKI  “Two questions on the auxiliary verb kal- in Kyrgyz”
(15:45-16:00 a break)
16:00-17:45 Session 3 Chair: Hiromi Yoshida
18. Ryo MATSUMOTO “Phonetic realization of glottal stops in Nenets”
19. Ryo UMEDA “The causative-inchoative alternation in North Saami: a contrastive analysis of Finnish and North Saami”
20. Setsu FUJISHIRO “Again on the issue of r and l : languages in Siberia and Russian”
21. Shinjiro KAZAMA “On the relation between case-marking and locational expressions from the typological viewpoint”
22. Shinsuke HIDAKA “An asymmetry property of subordinate clauses in Uzbek”
23. Suzushi HAYATA “A Preliminary Study of the Sounds of Shunzhi Period Manchu”
24. Teruhiro HAYATA “A short history of Manchu words for ‘boat’: borrowed and native, assimilative and orthographic”
(17:45-18:00 a break)
18:00-19:55 Session 4 Chair: Ryo Matsumoto
25. Tetsuya KAWASUMI “Datong Dialects of Chinese and “Negotiation””
26. Tomoyuki KUBO “Possessive construction in Sibe and Khorchin Mongol”
27. Tooru HAYASI “Language choice and the motivations behind it: a case of Turkish-German bilingual students at Berlin secondary schools”
28. Yasuhiro KISHIDA “A look at the the Japanese case marker ‘ga’ through the perspective of partitive and eargative cases”
29. Yasuhiro YAMAKOSHI “Inflectional clitics derived from *a- in Buryat”
30. Yohei YAMADA “Predicative Personal Endings in Dagur and Middle Mongol”
31. Yuu KURIBAYASHI “Quantifier float in Turkish”
Closing comments: Tooru Hayasi

A Meeting Party 20:00- Fee: 2,000 yen (Students 1,000 yen)

Program(pdf) download

Contact to: Noriko Ohsaki at the Center for Eurasian Cultural Studies, Tel: +81-491-6027, E-mail: eurasia-haneda(at-mark)